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8/15/2022 4:11:53 PM

Still not receiving Bungie emails after following all troubleshooting steps repeatedly

Ahead of the ornament vote, I would like to bring up the issue some users (thousands by my estimate looking at Twitter) are having with receiving emails again. I have followed the steps outlined here: [url][/url] " ❖Open your Bungie email settings ❖Uncheck all except “I allow Bungie to email me about news and updates” ❖Save ❖Recheck everything & Save " as well as the steps given by the community managers more recently (can't find that tweet), which were along the lines of unchecking, saving, and then rechecking news and updates and saving again. My email is verified, and I believe I used to receive emails from Bungie two or more years ago. I have even changed my account's email, verified it, then changed it back and verified it again. What more can I do?



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