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8/24/2022 1:41:32 AM

Season page showing loot from Risen not Haunted - can't claim

Was unwell a lot this season. Yay covid. Bleugh. Managed to finish Season of Haunted story etc. Paid for the pass but only claimed upto 55. Read on the forums and reddit that is was possible to claim left loot from previous season pass here: However 2 problems. 1. This page is showing incorrectly loot from Season of the Risen not Season of the Haunted even thought the title says so. 2. And it also says my membership is invalid but only on the previous season. Even though I'm signed in using steam it's showing PSN as the main account. Not sure if that's relevant. Show's fine on Season of the Plunder, correct loot and my account / characters are showing up. Has anyone ever managed to get the previous loot from this page? Is it a defunct feature? People posting on reddit said they managed to two days ago. :-/ Thanks for any info / reading! Image attached



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