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由PROjekt ANOMALY编辑: 8/30/2022 11:37:53 PM

Social Anxiety? Prefer ‘no mic’, join our clan!

Do you have social anxiety? Do you prefer not to put a headset in to talk with others while you play? Don’t like playing with judgmental people? Only join groups that say ‘chill’ and/or ‘no mic’? Need help with activities but HATE using LFG? Then this is the place for you. No judgment, no need to speak if you don’t want to. No chat, text chat, voice chat, discord, whatever you’re comfortable with. Let’s make this a place with no expectations and no shaming or judgement to go around. Help each other when we want or need it and if you want to play solo and receive clan rewards, that’s fine too. As Bungo says “play the way you want.” Join, Social Anxiety FTW, today!



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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