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9/1/2022 8:39:27 PM

Solo flawless dungeons impossible.

So since the start of the season, I've been on a solo dungeon run grind, and managed a solo non-flawless Prophecy. However, when I tried again a few days later for the Flawless, something broke in the cube room encounter. I'd get my 5 motes, and nothing, it wouldn't pull me to third person holding a mote to dunk. Then I noticed that I wasn't visually holding my weapons, I could still aim and fire them, just weren't there visually. Similar issues also happen with melee and my class ability, I'm on Hunter and my dodge still moved me in first person and melees didn't have animations either. This wasn't a one time thing, I restarted about 5 times from the start, initially confused given motes and animations worked just fine for the entrance & first encounter, but consistently breaking during cube. Prophecy isn't the only dungeon this happened in. This also happened in Pit of Heresy during the final encounter. It started out just fine, kill a knight, grab the sword, go after the Shrieker, and then grab the ball, only to notice I was in first person still. I managed a temp fix by dropping it and using an emote to go into third person before picking it up again and dunking. Upon getting the next sword I was still in first person, I got the next ball and was still stuck to first person. I tried dunking just to see if I could anyway and continue, but couldn't. Tried the emote trick again, and I noticed this time the effect of the emote didn't appear while my character stood there doing the action, Then even my emotes were locked to first person. If it's any indication, I think it might be something within Arc 3,0 rather than the dungeons themselves, as that's what I've been running and enjoying, playing heavily into Melee with Assassin's Cowl or swapping with Liar's Handshake and Combination Blow, Gambler's Dodge, and the aspects Lethal Current and Flow State, but I want to point at the fragments, one of the only differences between the successful Prophecy clear and all the others is I equipped Spark of Feedback, replacing Spark of Volts, with the rest being Spark of Resistance, Frequency, and Recharge. Just saying what I have there as that's where my suspicions lie. I don't seem to find anything similar within the known issues or searching the web.



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