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9/19/2022 2:03:32 PM

THE PARENTAL UNIT [Any Region] [Any Platform]

Discord: Community Leader: [b]@Inferious - Destiny[/b] [b]MUST BE IN DISCORD TO BE INVITED![/b] Parent Gamers and Guardians, This is exactly what it sounds like and not too good to be true! If you are looking for a community of individuals that understand what you are going through as a parent, but at the same time love to kick it and play some Destiny then look no further! The Parental Unit is a place for all [b]PARENTS[/b] to come and enjoy gaming with people that understand your schedule, interruptions, and will always be patient because [b]WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE[/b]. We take part in all activities, and you can expect to find like minded parents whether you are cracked out if your mind or just relaxing. To join just come by the discord and make your way to the Destiny chat and one of the Community Leaders will be able to help you! See you out there Guardians!



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