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9/27/2022 10:34:41 PM

Not receiving guaranteed deepsight weapon at the end of first ketchcrash completion of the week.

Last week I unlocked the star chart upgrade at the helm that is supposed to guarantee you a deepsight resonance weapon at the end of your first ketchcrash completion. I did make sure to check my postmaster to see if it had dropped there but no luck. I unlocked the upgrade on a my hunter but then did the ketchcrash on my warlock and didn't receive a deepsight weapon after my first ketchrash that week. And I have just now completed my first ketchcrash this week after the reset and still did not receive a deepsight weapon then either. I am just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this issue, or if it needs to be reported. This season has been great so far, its just really hard to acquire crafted weapons when even the guaranteed redborders don't drop :')



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