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由Kiingsidney编辑: 9/29/2022 8:16:16 AM

what has been your experience with SBMM(skill based matchmaking) so far?

very hard honnestly.


way better than before.


i dont play pvp so i don’t care.


i know this has been talked about a lot at this point but i really feel like this is ruining the game for a lot of people. i’m not saying remove sbmm im saying take good care of it, fix it. i am a d1 day 1 player and at this point all i do is trials pvp and raids, grandmasters.i have 50k kills and my kd is awful because i like to just try loadouts and have fun i think its what casual control or pvp modes are for. that said i have trained a lot and i am much better at the game i consider myself to be an okay pvp player with 10 flawlesse and i can compete. however its not fun to get team shot and chased after 5 guys every single corner i turn because i match against sweat lords with 2kd and 150k kills(on steam PC) while i have a 0.86 that i can’t get up because i have too many kills at this point. and at the same time get matched with teamtes that can’t even win a gun fight, just rush mid map get smoked on repeat. they feed all the lives in survival so i dont even bother playing that even tho i think its a cool concept.they make the gap so large in control its unplayable. and if i am AFK or i quit now i am just punished out of the game for that in casual modes. somtimes its a phonecall, sometimes im litteraly answering texts and get booted off casual modes thats wild. so at this point i dont bother waiting really i just get off the game and go do something else.. i can’t even imagine a streamer thats HAS to force himself to play through that. my lobby litteraly felt like a skrim and this is the reason i am complaining at the moment my mind was just blown by how good and coordinated these stomp-skating apes were, not even 6stacked which is even crazier. every gun-fight was for my life honnestly. and while its exciting at first and it forces me to compete at a higher level, it gets exhausting very fast especially with how bad my teamates are. same thing for trials i litteraly could not get a flawless last weekend untill in the solo queue i met a guy that told me i had to BAIT my teamtes so i could be more efficient and secure rounds. that is just wild to me. i am getting very tired of playing this game even tho i like it a lot and i meet players that agree with this sentiment on the daily. please get this to someone that can make this matter.because i think pvp does matter to a lot of people. its where you spend free time with your friends trying out the things you grinded so hard for in pve. i think we could leave trials for the sweat -fest and reward people more so the pool is more diluted. p.s. i did not go over connectivity issues, missing melee and the fact people still quit anyway because i am nice guy :)



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  • I like it but... 1. SBMM needs dedicated servers to work properly... Y know lags.. 2. There are too many cheaters that use 'aim bot'/mouse&keyboard on console. 3. Special ammo should be an reward for playing good not the way of playing. 4. Overall balance of the weapons and classes. I have nothing against SBMM. I like to have harder matches with simmilar ppl. But. State of Crucible is horrible... And the things I write ealier are the reasons why.



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    6 回复
    • 由A_mo编辑: 10/2/2022 1:01:20 PM
      So many of these polls lately don't have any choices that fit with the experience a lot of people are probably having. I just cannot understand how someone would say SBMM is "hard" when every time you go to shoot someone with a primary whether or not you're going to do damage is a coin toss. Does that not make anyone else lose interest in the supposedly "competitive" aspect of that or is it just me? I know that for a good portion of players there's more consistency to what they're doing but that's not necessarily a good thing that its like that for some but not others. The people that get the coin toss experience deserve a daily playlist where they don't have to be subjected to the coin toss experience.



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    • I don't put a lot of stock in anything Bungie says, but as a pvp scrub, I've had more games that I could actually get kills. I don't care about wins or losses, so the leaving matches early thing has zero impact on me. Just being able to play with others that kind of have the same skill level is funner than just dying. I've plateued as a pvp guy, it's the best I'll ever be, and I don't really care to get any better. So just throw me in the pool with likeminded folks and I doubt you'd hear a peep about meta or what's "op".



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    • 1
      Basically the only bad thing is that I'm matching against Asian people so it's lag central



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      • 由Quiet_Bushi编辑: 9/30/2022 5:16:57 PM
        Hey Guardian. To be honest, in the great scheme of things, I could say that nothing has really changed. What I mean is that SBMM brought to my personal experience new pros but also new cons. Yeah, matches now seem to be more balanced [i](not always tho)[/i], but also more intense and fought. Sometimes I have the feeling I'm playing a match in Ranked in R6 and not a Quickplay in D2. After 2-3 games I'm already tired. This is happening more frequently since I've reached the 1.38 KDA which I suppose should be my average skill level. I'm not exactly sure how SBMM works in D2, but sometimes I have the impression that the teams are not balanced on theyr Skills, but more on the "general skill level of the team" as a whole. So sometimes I'm matched with people with stats lower then mine and then one single person with stats much higher who actually works as carry. Basically, who eventually would get stomped, is stomped anyway. I haven't had many problem with lags, but those few times I've experienced it it was terrible. I've saved 2-3 clips that are crazy to watch. I don't know if this has to do with SBMM in general or the META, but many games end to be groups of people camping crouched with Scouts and Pulses on the other side of the Map or moving in packs. I'm not saying this is wrong, but it's really annoying to deal with. 1v1 are very rare... I mostly fight 2-3 people at once. This is probably also due the fact that I'm not a high skilled player and at my level [i](below average for sure)[/i] I meet players who are afraid to take direct fights. Leaver penalty or not, leavers are still present both in my and in the enemy team. Idem for AFKers. So yeah, nothing has really changed over all =/ I'm not getting stomped very often, but now I'm basically playing Ranked almost every game. I'm not destroyed by players who are much better then me, but I keep being killed by groups of people camping outside my radar and who don't capture zones. There are less leavers, but more lags (kinda).



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        2 回复
        • At launch it was good but since they expanded it, it's just cbmm with strict matching. I feel like they expanded it just to set the precedence that sbmm is bad when it's just cbmmlite now since it expanded to the point it's negated. If you're going to expand it then just go back to cbmm but remove the penalty and team balance. Bungie don't have what it takes to implement sbmm because they want to please the few but in the same light cbmm would work if team balance wasn't a thing. We have never had true sbmm or true cbmm and that's why both fail.



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          3 回复
          • 由K. StormBlessed编辑: 9/30/2022 9:13:54 PM
            My exp is i constantly get matched against fireteams while my team is solo players. Or over & over its the same player base bc no one else is playing. I'm either destroying one side or getting destroyed. The map weighting is ALWAYS Disjunction, Eternity, Volstok any map that's wide open and large. I have only gotten the map dead cliffs twice. I play PVP almost everyday. Constant being paired against fireteams as a solo player but my team is always solo. Not even 2 fireteam members. They really need to change Control to free for all & fireteam modes. A lot japanese names in the game where they lag non stop. Watched a guy kill 3 of my teammates then teleport across the map.



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            2 回复
            • Meh I like it for 3s but not a fan of it for 6s. Going against 6 sweaty players using cheese 3v3 tactics is maaad annoying. I run solo then face 3 2 stacks on the other team 🙄 PvP needs a overhaul that’s my take on it tbh



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              1 回复
              • People constantly back out of que when they see others back out of Que and constantly getting Honey Dew error code. Wild same kids who watch the que don't look at the scoreboard or Radar....



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                • 由MyAuthoritaah编辑: 10/1/2022 12:35:20 PM
                  Honestly, it's as awful as the "PvP" team that made it. Trying to balance losses rather than the players and teams in the matches was a dumb move. Hopefully Sony boot out the trash and get some competant devs in.



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                • I purposefully tanked my k/d to get Fun games 🤡



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                  • My Kd has improved but I give most of that credit to the fact 120fps is back on consoles again. But now the core game feels slow as hell in comparison.



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                  • Don't really know, I have barely touched this season.



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                  • 由DragonKnight901编辑: 9/30/2022 12:59:35 PM
                    Honestly for me I really stopped caring what they changed because no matter how much tweaking there is pvp will always be on fire, there’s always something broken be it exotics, seasonal mods, subclass etc etc and if there isn’t something broken it’s only a matter of time till somebody finds one and shares it with everyone, the day pvp is not on fire is the day I will see pigs fly.



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                    3 回复
                    • Some matches i come away with a 3.5 Other matches a .6 I’m definitely getting a more experienced opponent with SBMM. And other times ,I’m the more experienced which is weird. I think it’s early days and the skill levels ,hopefully will start to fall in line with each other. The ban Im against as it’s like smacking someone when there already down. For the record,I never leave matches.



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                    • 由Illuminary编辑: 9/30/2022 12:55:04 PM
                      Faring better overall but the experience isn't much different than cbmm. Lag, network issus, hit reg issues, ghost bullets, desync, it's all present, queue times are the same. It's not just match making that make pvp terrible, all of the game's actual issues plus stupid ideas like buffing 150s, bows doing 99% damage, immune classes running around the map, etc. Leaver penalty hasn't changed anything the game is way too unbalanced and broken to stay in a match where flying teleporting players head shot snipe you while in super...or they're using bows, 150 scouts from 100m away, six minute golden gun, dancing immune hunter, or aping immune titan.



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                    • I am NOT reading that



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                      3 回复
                      • If they fixed the -blam!- team balancing this wouldn't be a problem, but no, trials doesn't it needs it lulz. Trials needs highly strict team based matchmaking badly, and control needs its quitter penalty removed after team balancing gets fixed. The only problem with pvp is it's absolutely dog -blam!- team balancing.



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                        4 回复
                        • Yea it is annoying and not fun but at the end of the day you can’t do anything about it. I just do my best and that’s it. Wish they would remove it.



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                          2 回复
                          • It’s been a while since I have seen a wall this big



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                            4 回复
                            • ... gun fights are supposed to be for ur life. They gun fights. And I agree that sbmm shouldn't be removed, but worked on.



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                              10 回复
                              • The state of control made me play more comp, accidentally got the last legend rank I needed for unbroken.



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                                1 回复
                                • Option 4: Laggy as hell. I’m having no issue with the players, I’m having issues matching people across the world.



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                                  1 回复
                                  • The thing with sbmm is - with or without it, some people are going to be unhappy. There is no way around that.



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