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9/29/2022 7:01:14 PM

I want to disable cross-save to unlink a PSN account, but I am held hostage by either an old banned PSN account or my current PSN ID that went through a name change

I don't think I've ever even played Destiny 2 on a playstation console, yet this old account is linked and I cannot remove it because I have to turn off cross-save first which I can't do without authenticating said PSN account. I'm unsure if it's a bc of a name change with my currently used PSN or because it's linked to an old PSN account that is now banned; with the first account if I try to authenticate, it has an error implying it's not the right account that's linked (but I'm not sure if it's because the IDs don't match after doing a name change a couple years ago) With the second account, I have the right credentials, but when I login to authenticate it says my PSN is banned which I think is for old chargebacks, so it's out of my hands Either way, since I don't play Destiny on any other platform outside of Steam, I just want cross-save disabled without being held hostage by whichever account is doing it. I can successfully authenticate 3/4 of the accounts linked to my Bungie so surely that counts for something? Hopefully a Bungie person can do something. Even knowing the email for the linked PSN account would help in case I overlooked some random PSN I have, and looking up the profile name from the PS4's adding friends function shows that the account with the linked user ID doesn't even exist



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  • Hello there[url=],[/url] In order to unlink an account, you first have to disable cross save and/or unlink accounts, you must be able to authenticate the accounts. Bungie cannot forcibly de-link them. [b]I would suggest contacting the platform concerning recovering the platform account.[/b] If you are unable to gain access to your account, then you will not be able to deactivate cross save or unlink it from your current profile.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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