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由Telkeus编辑: 10/2/2022 3:59:51 PM

Make Jötunn a Heavy

I've seen other forum posts like this so I figure I'll throw my thoughts in this ring. The Jötunn doesn't feel right for where its at. Its too powerful in pvp (albeight kinda unreliable at times) and it (like so many others) has been powercrept by other exotics in pve. So shift it around and make it a heavy. *Move to heavy slot *Increase damage to be in line with heavies already present *Increase pool damage/radius/duration (maybe closer to witherhoard on 2/3 of those?) *Increase tracking slightly *Add intrinsic (overload/unstoppable/antibarrier) (or allow it to do any of them by holding reload to switch if you're feeling saucy 😂) *Decrease overall ammo pool to somewhere between grenade launchers and linears *Be the first heavy fusion since they got shifted to special but would match its sound and feel better **Edit** I get both sides of the pvp, I rarely think its an issue but I do know of many who [i]hate[/i] it. There's way more toxic things in PvP. Given the comments though if you don't use it, don't see it, and find it easy to deal with where's the issue in making it into a heavy?



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