I would like to see real bundles added to the eververse store for a normal pricetag (2000-2400 silver) where you get a sparrow, ship, ghost, weapon AND character around the same theme.
An example:
[b]Europa miner[/b]
Snow covered character with dirty work wear and thick clothing.
Snowy sparrow with gear loaded on it.
Dirty and broken ghost (working the mines).
A busted and outdated miner ship with hull damage who has seen better days.
Weapon ornament for maybe the devil's ruin in either snow or dust/dirt and weathered from years of usage.
Just an idea... but i hope we get to see more full fledged bundles.
It blows my mind that Bungie sells full expansions for $60 & then sell an armor set for $16. One armor set is the same development cost as 25% of an expansion??? How many armor sets come in an expansion?? Or are expansions just set to a super low cost & the expansion content, weapons, armor sets, and exotics cost billions upon billions of dollars to produce? It’s safe to say that the price tag for each isn’t representative of their cost to develop - & I think that’s the main underlining issue. Bungie (and most video game studios) doesn’t charge an appropriate amount for the game because the video game communities are adamantly in protest against raising the cost of a game - but also piss n moan about micro transactions in games. Personally, I wish I could just pay a price tag for Destiny annually and have all the Eververse loot in-game as rewards from activities. But the price of the game would be $200-$300 per year. But, Bungie has made it a $60 price tag & then charge you $16 per armor set because they can’t raise the price of the game. They get that money regardless.