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10/7/2022 4:58:03 PM

divinity nerf is stupid, read this bungie

divinity is 25 % less damage. but did you count mess ups? death during dps, flinch to the moon, bad loadouts, ads walking in front of you. it's not even -25%, 1 death, 1 flinch, or more it's on average -225% for 2 players. also this just killed divinity in all activity except 6 mans. why? because it's it's 70% less damage in 3 man fireteams. pls fix flinch, 100 res always but my reticle is in corner of screen due to 3-4 ads shooting. consequences of this nerf is going to be: lfg change to hunter tether or KICK. blueberries not getting sherpa because of bad loadouts/getting kicked from raids for this solutions would be: instead of power creeping like 50% debuff tether, why don't you think, why are we not using tether? it's because it's not going to last the whole dps phase, all you need to do is double the duration of tether. and fix flinch, at 100 resilience my reticle should stay in center of screen, not in the corner. and if you still want a divinity nerf/change so it doesn't deal extra damage the weaken effect should be the following: deals increased weaken effect the less teammates are in the fireteam. aka fireteam of 1 is you - div is useless team of 2 divinity is a 100% debuff 3 - 50% 4 -30% (33.333 actually) 5- 25% and a fireteam of 6 weaken should be 20% to always make up for the div guy not doing damage, otherwise quadraple divinity damage since div is not over 1 million but below a quarter of it. the weaken effect strength should depend on the size of the fireteam.



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