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由Quiet_Bushi编辑: 10/18/2022 3:11:21 PM

Will Lightfall follow the Seasonal Model too? =/

Hey Guardians. I'm kinda worried by imagine spending another year with D2 following the same scheme of the Seasonal Model we've experienced so far... for other 4 Seasons? What I'm talking about is the scheme that brings us to: start the Season, get the Artifact to grind for Mods to use against Champions and make some Builds [i](also grind for Power for GM contents)[/i], complete the Seasonal Activity to step forward the story, wait an entire week to continue, meanwhile grind some new Currency to Upgrade the Seasonal *thing to upgrade* and Weapons/Armors, complete some Challanges to get EXP and Bright Dust, repeat. I've reached the point in which after 3-4 weeks I'm already tired ot this and basically PvE is kinda dead for me. I do just the bare minimum, collect those 2-3 things that I'm interested into and I'm done =/ I was wondering if others feel the same way I do and what do you do meanwhile when you reach the point in which the Season becomes boring. This Season I went back in PvP after a Season of pause so I killed the time in this way, but I wonder if it will be enough also with Lightfall.



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  • God, I hope not. 1. The seasonal formula was a good idea in theory, but it’s been getting stale over the last several months. 2. Bungie needs to think of ways to keep things fresh enough to keep the majority of the player base happy. 3. Drip-fed story is… fine, I guess, but I know this is a touchy subject. Personally. I’d rather have drip-fed story than have it all in one fell swoop. The reason for this is because I have something to look forward to on reset day. And I feel like it makes the story feel more [i]alive[/i]. Realistically, a lot of the “story” doesn’t always happen in one go. It feels more alive this way. 4. The story [b]needs[/b] to be better to keep people interested and invested. Season of Plunder was [b]frustratingly[/b] dismal, and I know Bungie can do better. 5. The content fatigue is real. My husband and I are avid players, but decided to take a break from Festival of the Lost, simply because we just can’t be bothered. I literally do not care about the weapons, or armor, or any of it. 6. These past few seasons have literally tested my patience. I had no more of it this season. I am so, so sick of grinding. I’m tired of chasing after weapons and armor that have a possibility of becoming inconsequential down the road. This is also the biggest problem I have with Destiny. Nerf this, buff that. Ffs.



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