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10/29/2022 3:47:37 PM

Bungie when the update to adept weapons come, make sure to grant enhanced perks to those adept ones we already have.

Hi, I hope this reaches a dev in the team currently working on updating the PvE sandbox. I want to provide feedback to the adept changes coming. Mostly to updating weapons we might already have after hour of grinding, I have a great Adept Foreberance for example, however, the crafted one can get what I have and enhanced perks. I believe updating adept weapons that we've farmed in the past would be great and make everyone feel like they spent their time accordingly without having to farm all over again. It also makes me wonder about weapons like Igneous Hammer, would Celerity get changed since Aclarity is now a thing? If not then itd feel like the ignous adept got in essence given the short end of the stick in comparison to the other trials weapons currently. Some questions that if possible, Id like to be able to understand.



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