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11/4/2022 1:00:41 AM

Quitting the game until Bungie understands How Demoralized the Warlocks feel

This last Twab has done it for me (11/3) all the listed items in it for warlocks have not addressed any of the major issues for the class. They buffed arc souls in pve? But left Chaos Reach and dawnblade supers feeling like wet farts. Nova bombs were feeling fine. But that gets tweaks. How about that every time i pop reach is pvp I’m challenged and shot out of the sky instantly? Or stormtrance cant wipe out ads in high level content. Who TF plays warlock on your dev team? Shadebinder is meta defining and it’s getting a buff but im tired of just running that and well. I’m tired of being tired of Bungie. I left after the crappy narrative that we had this season and have been loving MW2. Oh and i cant wait for “Green nova bomb” whoopie



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