Why are Warlocks a full generation behind in fun, interesting, active abilities?
From tossing bonkhammer to invis Truesight, Warlocks are now at such an enormous, obvious fun and function disadvantage it's getting embarrassing.
Hunters have like [b]eight[/b](?) truly distinct melee abilities. Titans have nearly that many, and the differences for them are even more dramatic than Hunters', and theirs are serious [b]FREE[/b] movement tools toboot.
Warlocks have a lame dash, castoff from Titans in D1, a poor performing dive ability with bad synergy and a fat cooldown.. [b]at the cost of our main contribution[/b]: little number puddles. Unless you happen to be running big number puddle. Don't forget the most exciting feature: unintelligent, tiny Arc shoulder numbers.
Our melees can be described as short range color-matched blobs. No precision/skilled/reset/utility. [b]Literally none[/b]. With the exception of the Arc melee... with surrounding kit synergy so poor I'd bet a few fingers it's also a Titan castoff.
From Devour to Cure to Ionic Traces, I'm glad other classes got access to some former identifying Warlock features.
So where the hell is our interesting tools, utility, and identity? Where is it written Warlocks have to be boring?
Plain and simple bungie hates warlocks and every warlock subclass in 3.0 has been picked clean and the best parts given to hunters and titans. Only hunters and titans get the OP exotics and abilities like invisibility and overshields. Warlocks don't get to have any fun things and if they are fun they won't be for long. Shadebinder caught 12 nerfs 9 days into beyond light but hunters were allowed shatterdive for a year and a half and behemoths got to rain destruction for 6 months.