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12/6/2022 10:11:48 AM

Said Most Friendly ( Improvments Please )

[b]Introduction :[/b] This game is first in my life i'm only impressed from the atmosphere only - the level of attention to detail ,storry etc. but [u]the problem for me is i like to competing vs players at best with 2 weapons in the whole game[/u] i also speak with enough people over time and i found i'm not alone . [b]So my proposal is :[/b] can you introduce [u]at least one[/u] [b]valuable[/b] [u]Kinetic ammo Auto Raffle Weapon from Weapon Foundries hakke[/u] ( i'm very impressed from hakke how do they look but now they are craze low number and are not valuable Autoraffles ) if it matters for orientation / clarification this 2 weapons are Halfdan-D , Hard Light ( with changeable ammo ) and all hakke weapons without exception . [b]My commend :[/b] imaginate how not reasonable and not attractive is the game for people as me im whating for content years and years and now with this power cap even this 2 weapons are [u]to put it most mildly[/u] not valuable at all ( please i like the idea of the game and i want to continue play it ) thank you for the attention if i ever get it ...



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  • Severals propositions which they drive me crazy when im looking them ( only on a photo ) this will be just a waste of good work and time if the weapons stay in the photo only : [b][u]Zarinaea-D[/u][/b] - [b][u]Arminius-D[/u][/b] - [b][u]Fabian Strategy[/u][/b] - .



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