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由Sorter编辑: 1/10/2023 3:23:54 AM

Please change deadeye golden gun to rifle

Golden gun feels like it doesn't have a place except mayhem. Could we change one of the guns to a rifle and add some new mechanic to it? Possibly some new interaction to bring nighthawk damage back up? maybe even a trick shot for the revolver? Golden Gun Deadshot (revolver model) -6 shots -Roaming -normal damage -returns shot on successful kill Deadeye (rifle model) -3 shots -Stationary -massive damage -each shot increases in damage if each shot hits a crit -When the super is activated, the player is enveloped in solar energy burning nearby enemies and generating an overshield/health regen Blade Barrage -->Blade Waltz -throw 24 blades in all directions -blades have tracking -each blade adds max scortch -player is harder to kill during waltz



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