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由Tyretec编辑: 12/27/2022 12:24:38 PM

New Light looking for a small clan to guide me

Clan found. Thanks for replies



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  • Clan [b]DΞSTINY[/b] with dedicated Discord server is recruiting. 💠 Our main goal is to create a friendly, non-toxic environment for everyone who wants to enjoy a healthy gaming experience. [u]There's no place for hate, racism and discrimination of any kind in [b]DΞSTINY[/b].[/u] 💠 Your K/D and number of raid clears don't impress us, the most important thing is what kind of person you are. 💠 We don't have any ridiculous requirements. We'll accept everyone, regardless of time zone, gaming platform and skill level. However, we welcome Guardians who show a certain level of maturity (age 20+), own most of the DLC and are willing to use Discord. 💠 If you're a new player, we're happy to help you in the game and answer your questions (and we know there are a lot of questions). We help with raids (mic required), trials and any other content. Experienced guardians have a chance to become one of our Sherpas. 💠 We use Discord to co-ordinate, share information, and just hang out with the amazing community we are building, so make yourself visible to others. If you're a strictly solo player, this clan is probably not for you. [b]If you're interested in joining or have questions about the clan, pop in and say hi![/b] 💠 [u]Discord :[/u] [b]See You Starside![/b]✨



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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