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1/3/2023 5:01:33 AM

THE NINE!!! Weapons, armor, shaders, ornaments

Bungie, Please, please, please add the entire pool of "trials of the nine" loot to the game. Please make it available. We already have a few of them on the prophecy. Why not add them all to the dungeon? The smg, the other HC, etc. What if you made the BEAUTIFUL shaders available through completing a challenge in the dungeon? Those weapons and shaders are so damn beautiful and amazing. But unobtainable to those who came after year 1. Hell, put them in a year one shader bundle (I know there's one already, but add them too 🤣). The "Nine" armor and weapons are one of the best looking gear in the game (IMO). Please bring them back.
#destiny2 #nine



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  • 由Grim编辑: 1/3/2023 9:49:31 AM
    We might see the weapons again (If bungie needs another set of weapons to use as there next re-skins lol). But the armor and shader will probably never see the light of day again cause trials of the nine gear came from end game content when the game first dropped over 5 years ago before the game was free to play and this community will probably gate keep that till this game dies. Plus since bungie literally only does stuff if it has a huge backing by the community aka massive amount of people posting that they want that or massive amounts of usage like with how they choose which exotic will get a new ornament each new season, so that will probably never happen. So sorry about your luck but your in the minority here as there is just not enough reason for it to make a return and knowing bungie they would probably rather just make new trials of Osiris gear instead of bringing back old stuff anyway.



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