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1/28/2023 7:59:41 AM

Crucible quitter fix idea

Just an idea, I am an old man so I know nothing about gaming creation etc. I do have a possibly decent idea for comp/trials quitters and or those disconnected. If you have team with someone who leaves match, the players left going 2v3, (which happens a lot to me personally) should not take a loss of points/level yet the other team should still get the win. The whole 30 minute time out doesn't matter to those who play different accounts, are just super casual crucible players, they don't care how they affect the game or other players. Those affected should not be punished. (Speaking mostly of so queues) Just a thought. Probably dumb, but whatever. Lol



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  • No. People have abused any space Bungie has given players in the past. If Bungie did as you say people would go around in teams with one player volunteering to leave matches with the penalties so others get away with a loss. The last time was Bungie allowed people to leave a match with no penalty if they got a error code. Players then started going around forcing Internet issues every time it looked like they were going to lose. Now getting a error code is a valid reason for full penalties from leaving a match and a pvp suspension.



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