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2/2/2023 9:03:19 PM

Plz Bungie, never again.

Bungie, never design another season like SotHaunted again. Trying to get all the red border patterns is so annoying. The leviathan loot loop is way too much of a grind, and unlike all of the other seasons, you can’t earn a way to focus red borders passively, even after filling out the upgrade table. At least with the other seasons, you weren’t forced to play the seasonal activity once you filled out the upgrade table. Destiny doesn’t need anymore mind numbing grinds in the game. [spoiler]tho someone will inevitably tell me that that is what destiny is by itself.[/spoiler]



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  • I feel your pain man I was grinding for opulent keys for hours last night and got 3 side arms and 2 beloved snipers. I still need to get my ikelos red borders too. This system is absolutely terrible. If it’s gonna be this much of a grind they should not be vaulting seasonal content.



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