It’s clear that controlling two zones overwhelming gives you an advantage and a win. Most of the time.
Why don’t people cap zones?
Really? I just don’t understand.
Because most people don't care about winning or losing in quickplay. The lobby balancing tends to try to force about a 50/50 win-loss unless you're stacking anyways.
I usually only cap the first point when start. Then I move around the map looking for gun fights that’s what I find interesting for PvP. If someone say I don’t play for objective/win I wouldn’t argue. Win/lose doesn’t matter to me, plus the loot is trash either way.
2 回复
由PkmnGymLeader编辑: 2/22/2023 5:59:41 PMWhat annoys me is on maps like Burning Shrine where the clear advantage goes to whoever caps A and C. Those points are easy to hold together since there’s a clear tunnel between them, they both have high ground, and you even have access to the main heavy ammo crate. But blueberries will insist on capping B for some reason.
It’s hard to support these threads cause most players go cap crazy and flip spawns. Idc how many caps you have if you can’t KEEP the zone… I’ll keep getting kills thank you very much. It doesn’t matter who wins anyway 🤷♂️
its because its a for fun game mode if its not comp then its just for fun... so have fun.. dont be tied down to some zone.
I play FPS games to shoot players, not stand on plates. It's not my fault Bungie doesn't get that.
Oh yeah capping is hard 😂 Also seeing loads of people with adept in brackets behind their name ? Most cringest thing I’ve ever seen in destiny pvp 😂
由Guardian,Archon Of Light编辑: 2/21/2023 11:37:21 PMBut what if I want to be ambitious and cap all 3 , then you tell me I am flipping the spawns and that is bad also No, I am betting on my teamates to hold all 3 zones so we can end the match early I believe in you, you should believe in you to or you are calling me a liar
由God Eater编辑: 2/21/2023 9:35:59 PMIt’s because actually playing the objective versus worrying about K/D makes PvP mains throw a tantrum.
🤷♂️ no idea. I'll typically lead the team in opponents defeated, have a 2-3 KDA, have 10+ zone captures. It's not just destiny either where people seem to avoid objectives while feeding the enemy team. I'll have the same issue in COD where I'm the only one playing the OBJ while fighting off the enemy team solo 🤣
Because: I rubber band my controller and it doesn't let me stand in a zone for long enough to capture it. Or I focus on my bounties which are more pew pew and less standy in the circle. Or I don't know what you are talking about because I always play everything like clash or rumble depending on what I think! Happy?
Nah bro, I don't have time to cap zones. I need to find the perfect chock point to crouch and hid to get easy spawn kills and when I get noticed run away like a 3000 pound grizzly bear on crack is trying to eat me. Plus don't ask me to team shot to help kill enemies, they may accidentally kill me instead which will effect my KD. Don't you see it is all about KD, not trying to win. Gotta pump up those stats bro 🤣
This is Destiny, not an actual competitive FPS. These players don’t play objectives, regardless of whether it’s quickplay, comp, Trials… they want to play team death match and nothing else. Do not ask them to actually have to use a few brain cells in PvP. They will cry endlessly to Bungie to remove any game mode that does.