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2/26/2023 2:59:16 AM

Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector isn't spawning a boss

It's also not spawning the Ascendant challenge portal. I waited in the lost sector for 20 minutes after recording and nothing changed. I have left the Dreaming City to re-instance the whole destination. I have restarted the game and my PC. I am not having any connection issues. Nothing has worked. I am most frustrated that I can't access the Ascendant Challenge



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  • Greetings! I've seen these work for other players experiencing this: - Once you see the “Chamber of Starlight” location update on the left side, stop moving for a bit and wait for the seams between realities text in the bottom left. - Move backward as if you were going to leave the lost sector, but not far enough to change the load zone.



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