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3/2/2023 1:06:08 PM

The Hero's Burden SMG not getting overload from artifact / Gyrfalcon's volatile not giving anti barrier rounds

I was playing activities where I needed overload to stun champions and I knew I had overload SMGs unlocked in my artifact, but I was unable to stun the champions with my hero's burden. I looked at my HUD and saw the overload icon wasn't even showing up. Yet it works for other SMGs and ARs I looked at. Also I noticed when using Gyrfalcon's, I'm only able to pierce shielded enemies for the first few of my shots. I tested this with the Deterministic Chaos as well to make sure it wasn't due to the hero's burden not having overload on it in case that was an issue for it not working but it even did it with the LMG. This only happens on my first shots on any barrier enemy. After those few shots going invisible again and refreshing volatile or reloading doesn't allow me to pierce again at all. I have to wait until volatile runs out and then I'm able to recreate this issue. I don't know why the clips look blurry on imgur but if needed I will post on youtube for them to be viewed in high quality if needed.



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