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3/11/2023 7:55:20 PM

Dares of Eternity is BROKEN

I've done Dares on legend 5 times and can't finish it for the 250k. When you beat it, it gets stuck with enemies coming from the gateways. Sometimes it will eventually complete, but by then it's already depleting your points. Then everytime, if you do make it past the stuck point after waiting forever for it to fix itself, it gives you a lightning round. BUT THE LIGHTNING ROUND DOESNT GIVE POINTS. Your points drop as you play the lightning round and you lose too many. Like why tf even have a lightning round of it doesn't give you points??? So basically, don't even touch Dares for the pinnacle. You'll waste precious hours of your life, because I highly doubt Bungie reads these and/or will ever fix this.



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