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3/26/2023 1:54:35 AM

New Player Can't access Iron Banner

I am a new player and am trying to play Iron Banner with my friends, but I don't have the "Forging Iron" Quest from Saladin that I need to play Iron Banner. I've finished the Beginning Quests and unlocked all my subclasses for my character. The Iron Banner Playlist is telling me to talk to Saladin to gain access, but whenever I talk to him at the Tower, he just offers his usual wares and no quest at all. I've looked a little bit online and saw that they might have removed the quest at some point, but it doesn't seem like they removed the requirement to access Iron Banner... Any and all help would be appreciated. This has really dulled my excitement to play.



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  • [quote]To access Iron Banner, players must: ❖ Reach Guardian Rank 4 ❖ Complete the Crucible introductory quest ❖ Speak to Lord Saladin and complete the Iron Banner introductory quest[/quote]



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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