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4/1/2023 11:04:55 PM

Iron Wolves [WOLF] - 500+ Active Members, 3600+ Community, 146th Day-1 Raid Completion, Competitive PVP, Triumphs, New player friendly

****************************************** To Join our might pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ****************************************** ~ Teaching activities. ~ Seasonal and Playlist fireteams. ~ Teaching raids and kwtd raids. ~ Low man/speed runs. ~ Many day-1 raid teams that finish. ~ PvP comp/survival and casual fireteams. ~ Trials / Experienced Flawless Runners. ~ Gambit casual and stump teams. ~ Triumphs. ~ Clan-formed activities / Raid races. ~ Active clan streamers. Discord Membership and Activity are REQUIRED for Clan Membership. ****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ******************************************



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  • I would like to join



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  • I'd like to join



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  • [quote]****************************************** To Join our might pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ****************************************** ~ Teaching activities. ~ Seasonal and Playlist fireteams. ~ Teaching raids and kwtd raids. ~ Low man/speed runs. ~ Many day-1 raid teams that finish. ~ PvP comp/survival and casual fireteams. ~ Trials / Experienced Flawless Runners. ~ Gambit casual and stump teams. ~ Triumphs. ~ Clan-formed activities / Raid races. ~ Active clan streamers. Discord Membership and Activity are REQUIRED for Clan Membership. ****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ******************************************[/quote] I’d like to join.



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  • Hey i would like to join your clan, been playing destiny for a long time



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  • send me an invite bungie RAGMAN#9730



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  • Je voudrais rejoindre votre clan s'il vous plaît



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  • [quote]****************************************** To Join our might pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ****************************************** ~ Teaching activities. ~ Seasonal and Playlist fireteams. ~ Teaching raids and kwtd raids. ~ Low man/speed runs. ~ Many day-1 raid teams that finish. ~ PvP comp/survival and casual fireteams. ~ Trials / Experienced Flawless Runners. ~ Gambit casual and stump teams. ~ Triumphs. ~ Clan-formed activities / Raid races. ~ Active clan streamers. Discord Membership and Activity are REQUIRED for Clan Membership. ****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ******************************************[/quote] I’d like to join



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    1 回复
    • [quote]****************************************** To Join our might pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ****************************************** ~ Teaching activities. ~ Seasonal and Playlist fireteams. ~ Teaching raids and kwtd raids. ~ Low man/speed runs. ~ Many day-1 raid teams that finish. ~ PvP comp/survival and casual fireteams. ~ Trials / Experienced Flawless Runners. ~ Gambit casual and stump teams. ~ Triumphs. ~ Clan-formed activities / Raid races. ~ Active clan streamers. Discord Membership and Activity are REQUIRED for Clan Membership. ****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ******************************************[/quote] Hi Can I Join The Clan, I’m A Destiny 1 Veteran



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    • Hi, I’d like to join. Newly returned highly active player!



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    • Plz can i join i need help badly



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    • [quote]****************************************** To Join our might pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ****************************************** ~ Teaching activities. ~ Seasonal and Playlist fireteams. ~ Teaching raids and kwtd raids. ~ Low man/speed runs. ~ Many day-1 raid teams that finish. ~ PvP comp/survival and casual fireteams. ~ Trials / Experienced Flawless Runners. ~ Gambit casual and stump teams. ~ Triumphs. ~ Clan-formed activities / Raid races. ~ Active clan streamers. Discord Membership and Activity are REQUIRED for Clan Membership. ****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan: 1. Upvote this post and comment that you would like to join 2. Join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ******************************************[/quote]



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    • May I please join



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    • 由Wigglespank编辑: 4/3/2023 9:33:46 PM
      Id like to join, newly returned to the game.



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    • Looking for a clan to run PVP and raids!!!



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      1 回复
      • Hey everyone. I'm a new player and would love to join to learn more about the game and do all of the content.



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      • hey, i'd be interested in joining if the helping with endgame content stuff is legit. ive been wanting to do other stuff instead of the casual pinnale stuff. i havent done a raid since d1 and only went to morgeth on Last Wish. im pretty decent skill wise just lack of friends and help



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      • Hello, I would like to join this clan if you would be willing to accept me I am currently at the point in this game where I have been able to solo 3 dungeons so far and I have every raid completion and I also completed Day 1 RoN



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      • I would like to join



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      • I would like to join.



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      • I would like to join!



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      • 由NoMercy3151编辑: 4/2/2023 7:23:52 PM
        Too bad this clan is so self conscious of competitors that they come to MY clan’s recruitment post and downvote it so it gets less traffic. Truly unfortunate if anyone wants to play with these people. They even got enough of their clan members on board to cut our upvotes in half! Which means the toxic ideology seeps through this clan through and through.



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        1 回复
        • Yo this clan is probably great but this clan and WARD regularly down vote other mega clans posts in an attempt to pull more members don’t know how they actually perform or treat their members but they don’t need to do that to other clans if they own is good and welcoming as they claim join the clan or don’t enjoying the game and having fun is all that matters



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        • [b]BEWARE!!!!![/b] [b]BEWARE!!!!![/b] [b]BEWARE!!!!![/b] [b]BEWARE!!!!![/b] This clan downvotes all other clans recruitment posts to nothing. As if there aren’t enough players to go around. Encouraging your clan members to do this just shows what kind of toxic environment they promote in their server. Yikes.



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        • 0
          This clan has been mass downvoting any other clans recruitment posts to gain more members, kinda sad that’s how they recruit people. Not exactly welcoming, is it?



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        • You guys do not need anymore members. Legitimately you do not care about anyone but your own egos. You downvote other clans because you’re insecure about losing the “numbers” to other and better clans- For anyone else reading this. Join a different clan. I do NOT recommend a clan whose environment agrees upon massive downvoting and encourages toxic behavior. Ward is just as bad as Iron.



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