I loaded into a Comp match and it turns out that the duo that I was meant to of played with never loaded into the lobby.
Like at all.
I check the lobby the moment the queue pops.
So I was perplexed that Comp doesn't even have a match abandonment failsafe set in motion despite that nearly every other game has one.
This pissed me off in particular because that was my Plat 1 game. Although in the end it only deducted 5 elo so it wasn't that bad.
Still I would preferred to actually played the match rather than just racking up 15 deaths.
Obviously the morale of the story is that Comp should have a failsafe that sends players back to matchmaking if all 6 players are not present at the beginning of the first round.
Now I know this feature could be exploited by toxic players, however, if players intentionally 'queue dodge' Comp or Trials then those players should have a 24 hour PvP ban. Not a Comp ban, a PvP ban, meaning no Comp, no Quickplay or other gamemodes, no Iron Banner and especially no Tirals.
Repeat offenders should have a stain on their Bungie profile labelling them as a toxic player that 'queue dodges' similar to that of a VAC ban on Steam, with escelating bans that go 24 hours (1st offence), 48 hours (3rd offence) then 1 Week (5th offence and onwards). I believe a week ban to be the most a person should face regardless of how toxic they are simply because that's 2 pinnacles, a Comp weapon, an Adept, an entire Iron Banner week, a permanent stain on their account as well as their ego being hurt.
'Queue dodgers' should be treated without mercy, aka, immediate punishment.
Although players should be warned about this through an 'agree or no play' social contract that labels the offences and their punishments.
All players MUST agree to play Comp and Trials period.