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由Rymega-编辑: 10/17/2022 6:14:33 PM

Camertem Legionis (Legion of Gamers) is recruiting New Lights and fellow Godslayers

Psn mainly, but all consoles welcome. New players welcome, Vet players welcome. We are a clan of friends who just game together across many games. We need more players to do raids and endgame activities with, we are good at these. We can take you through Dungeons, Nightfalls, Legendary Campaigns, Exotic Quests, Raids (when we have 6), you name it. Several are willing to teach if necessary when we are on. Banter is frequent and fun, if things go too far someone will chime in, this is a rare occurrence as all of us are fun-loving and chill. We play on weeknights EST and weekends, several of us during the weekdays. We just have fun but are quite good so we can show you the ropes. Hope to meet many of you. We hang out in psn parties for hours when we are on. We will use Discord once PS gets integration. Will send discord and psn chat inv when in. Comment on this post or message Rymega- on d2 app/ bungie website for inv.



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