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由Gcazamaro编辑: 4/22/2023 1:12:50 PM

Clamied The Spring Showers from Amazon Prime, all good, but the previous one didn't go through aka (Popcorn pacakge)?

Like the Subject name says I claimed both packages, [b]one on 24th of march[/b], the 2nd was today on [b]8th of April[/b]. the first one [b]didn't arrive[/b] and a [b]weird orange ribbon[/b] as seen in the first picture was telling me that the [b]service between bungie and amazon is being updated[/b] or something, fast forward to today, when i got to claim the 2nd one, i went to [b]master rachool[/b], and all i could see was only, the 2nd package that i claimed, [b]not[/b] the first one as well. [b]what happened to my first package?[/b] Edit: sorry about that, but i think the Spring Showers didn't arrive not the popcorn, because i got the emote and some stuff i think it belong to the popcorn not to the Spring Showers Edit: All items has been received after the new update, thanks Bungie.



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