Bungie I know this will fall on deaf ears cause, it’s a live game and you are always moving forward so to speak. However that said content that is in the game should not suffer quality because it is old content. Spent hours doing kings fall master warpriest and no matter how fast we swapped the buffs (thought it had some sort of window to swap) it constantly failed. The experience is miserable because the rules are not concrete. Yes I am of the minority crowd that chases titles and such but glitches/bugs not addressed is just a feels bad moment.
I am told that a patch for that released then a roll back because of issues basically reverted it. Not sure if true but honestly would like my raid experiences not near impossible because of bugs.
Of all the activities in the game that should have the greatest attention to detail raids would be that. Giant activities but one thing can make or break an experience whether the players in the team not being cohesive or mechanics not being concrete in design. If there is anyone at Bungie that cares about old content runners well put this on the list please.
Treat it like it's actually 3 seconds. Coms lag is a thing as well as in game latency. Long as you have some solid DPS getting it done in 4 phases shouldn't be too bad.