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4/17/2023 8:49:31 PM

Unable to access bought expansions

Please help, I’ve had Beyond Light, The Witch Queen, and Shadowkeep since December and it is suddenly saying I don’t own any of them. I noticed when I tried loading my stasis loadout and stasis wasn’t there, when I went to look it said that Beyond Light was required. I have already finished Beyond Light. I do not know if this is an issue with servers or my Xbox, but it concerns me that I’ve lost access to the only three expansions I didn’t buy myself (my dad got Beyond Light, Shadowkeep, and The Witch Queen for me for my birthday and Christmas, I bought Forsaken, Lightfall, and the 30th anniversary pack myself with my own money and I still have access to them). Bungie, if there is a way to restore my ownership of these expansions and my progress in them (I had Beyond Light and Shadowkeep completely finished) that would be amazing. I will provide proof of ownership if/when needed. I am incredibly worried about this because this is about 100 dollars down the drain all of a sudden with no clear way to fix this other than rebuying them which is not an option for me financially.



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