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由DeathWolf579编辑: 4/19/2023 4:44:13 AM

Icebreaker Exotic Sniper Rifle

Heavy Sniper Perk 1: Corkscrew Rifling Perk 2: Tactical Mag Perk 3: Shatter (weapon deals massive damage to slowed/ frozen targets and Stasis crystals) Perk 4: Box Breathing Frame: Agressive Frame Ammo: 3 (Catalyst makes this 6) Reload time: N/A Exotic Perk: Ice Loader: Picking up Stasis Shards loads powerful piercing shots (Max of 3) into Icebreaker. Killing frozen targets with this weapon has a chance to drop Stasis Shard. (Stasis Shards count as small ammo bricks) Doesn't Reload. Catalyst: Vorpal Weapon and adds 3 more shots to the weapon I came up with this on a whim and would like feedback! I just wanted a unique Heavy Sniper like pre-Nerf Whisper cause I miss snipers being the go-to for dps. I could also see it being a secondary, but making it heavy might make it more balanced.



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