Getting Error Code "plum" Constantly For No Obvious Reason
So this is becoming a bit annoying.
Ive been able to play Destiny 2 for a long time with no issues and then a few months back I started getting "query timeout" from Battleye along with error code "plum".
I spent a long time trying to figure out what was causing it, uninstalling programmes, rolling back my GPU driver etc and nothing worked.
The only thing that worked was reinstalling Battleye. That seemed to fix the issue.
And then yesterday it started happening again, so of course I just tried to reinstall Battleye straight out of the gate as that worked before. No dice. I cant play the game for more than 5-10 minutes at this rate without it closing to desktop and none of the documentation I can find on this really helps at all beyond "its something on your pc".
There is nothing on my PC I can think of that could be causing this. Especially given it was working fine one week and then suddenly broken the next with no software installed in the intervening time.
Any help or advice that can be offered would be most appreciate as if I cant work it out then thats the end of my Destiny 2 journey sadly.