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5/31/2023 1:43:13 AM

Are we ever going to get another name change?

I remember distinctly Bungie saying they were going to give everyone 1 name change when they changed to the crossplay system and then give us more later. It's later. like years later. and have have had radio silence on the issue. My partner had her name changed to guardianxxxx after she had already used her name change and she's waited multiple expansions to get it back and have still gotten nothing. Now we know why her name was changed but it's less the issue of "i want my name back" and more the issue of she doesn't even have a choice to have a name again. Even if all we got was a "we're still working on it" I'd be satisfied but i have not seen ANYTHING on the issue. At this point it just feels like Bungie either forgot or just doesn't care. Just give us something Bungie. So many people are tired of having their name changed and not being able to fix it because you haven't kept your promise.



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