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6/2/2023 5:47:57 PM

Hunter Revenant request

Bungie, I'm making a request for stasis hunter's Revenant subclass today. Please convert this subclass into a support subclass. As of right now it doesn't really have a place in end game content- doesn't have a good damaging super, is outclassed for ad clear, doesn't support well. It needs focus and I want it to focus on support. My proposal is this- a new super that creates a stasis tornado that [i]follows allies[/i]. Instead of hunting enemies, it will follow any allies close to it. It can use the same exact animation as the current one. This super will provide a very large amount of DR to any allies within the radius of the tornado. The tornado will also periodically shoot out ice crystals (similar fashion to the new exotic glaive's ranged attack) that freezes enemies. Another addition will be that shattering an enemy will weaken them for a very short time. My thought was it could be a higher value of weaken than found on void subclasses, but lasts only a few seconds. That way the only way this would reliably be continuously procced on a boss would be through the super freezing them. This would likely be subclass-wide, as adding it as an aspect would force you to drop one of your already mandatory aspects for another one. It would be unnecessary. Obviously these changes could be changed by you guys and maybe the weaken effect is too much but I think these changes would instantly make revenant end game viable and give it real purpose. Renewal grasps could also use a cooldown buff but that's another topic. Thanks.



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