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由Dwklau编辑: 6/13/2023 12:41:39 PM

NDSS is now recruiting !!

[quote]Hello everyone, NDSS is a small and advance clan for letting you and your friends to help each other for complete triumph and activities or be strong and efficient players as you like . Here’s what we looking for: Clan Requirements: - Be chill and respectful - Be 18+ - Be active as much as possible - Must have atleast one title In order to join us, you Must have three guardian classes(expect have good reason for only have one or two) If you have any question, please ask admins for informations !! Check out our #Destiny2 clan! [u]Be note, Destiny 2 it isn’t a mobile game that needed to be blood-rush for achieve, is a game that need to have extraordinary team communication and the strategy to earn successful award.[/u][/quote]



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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