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6/29/2023 11:19:04 PM

Forbes Article , let's talk.

*It’s an endless loop. The Destiny 2 community is angry about things Bungie is doing, they yell at devs and CMs, the devs and CMs go silent, Bungie does more things people don’t like, Destiny 2 players yell. It goes on forever. It feels like there used to be ways to bridge this gap, but the community is madder than ever and Bungie appears to be more exhausted from dealing with them than ever* Correction my dude . It's the Community being tired of Bungie. Lied to, cheated, an swindled. Yes I love Bungie an Destiny, an I look at them an just think *I can fix them* [u]news flash[/u] that doesn't work , we can't fix Bungie . Bungie you aren't the company I fell in love with. Back when you where *halo guy* you were the best an my fun ever. Now? We don't talk , I'll always love you but, we should just stay friends. Can't give myself to a company again , not after the abuse that Bioware put me through with Anthem. P.S if you've gotten this far hopefully you realized this was humor.



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