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由itmikelol.ttv编辑: 7/9/2023 8:37:11 AM

Necrocasm Rework

With rumors of Crota coming back, theres no doubt in my mind if it happens Necrocasm will make a return. If brought back in its D1 state it will be used the same amount as Queenbreakers Bow. Aka, it wont be. So heres my idea for a rework that i feel sounds spicy. Let me know. First step is to change that exotic perk. Cursed Thrall explosions are cool, but that's basically just a firefly. Not worth an exotic slot for sure. Change it to this. "Precision hits gives the target a stacking debuff. When defeated they erupt with a radius and damaged based on the amount of stacks." This will allow it to still retain how people think of the gun, but with a lot more power and oomph. Catalyst will be "Targets being hit by an eruption retain stacks based on the stack amount of the explosion." Along with "Reaching max stacks causes the target to erupt regardless of being defeated or not" These perks will allow AoE to contend with others and also allow you to use the weapon for majors and slight dps in a pinch. What do yall think? Update: Perk for the catalyst could either cause a full explosion at max stacks OR "while at max stacks adding further stacks causes it to overload and send out small shockwaves until the target is defeated." So basically an exotic version of kinetic tremors which will add stacks like normal. Guess it depends if people would prefer just the big explosion or a bunch of little ones while the target retains the max amount . 🤷‍♂️



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