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由tofu mes编辑: 8/24/2023 4:42:58 AM

Left stick’s upward input slow or not registering [XBOX]

The left stick on my Xbox controller has been slow to or not at all registering upwards inputs. This has affected in menus via the cursor being sluggish when trying to change equipment. It also has affected movement with my character either not moving forward at all or moving forward at a snails pace which has led to me jumping and plummeting to my death a few times today. I tested the controller on other games and there are no issues, so it is isolated to Destiny 2.



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  • I recommend you go through all control settings in the menu, if its only Destiny then its possible you've accidentally changed something when flicking through menus. Unlikely though. Almost all controllers no matter how fancy use the same analogue switches and they are a lot more fragile than you'd like to think. They aren't expensive but you need some decent precision soldering skills to swap them out. But sounds like you have more of an obstruction than a broken analogue switch clip, can you rotate the stick 360° freely? Or can you feel any bumps or grinding? If you're confident with electronics I'd recommend you take it apart and clean it, you might have some dust or something built up around the NORTH axis clip on the analogue switch. Some compressed air or contact cleaner will help if you have them. Use cotton buds (Q-tips) or an old, soft toothbrush. Also, look in the MS store (Xbox) for an app called Controller Tester (or summink like that) that allows you to see how your analogue sticks are being received. Good luck.



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    • I have issues with the RB.. elite 2, twice already.



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    • Seems like the opposite of stick drift, stick slowturn which requires you do drastically reduce the deadzone which you can’t do in D2 (D2 has HUGE deadzones compared to other games).



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