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8/25/2023 8:21:06 PM

"This is the Way" Flawless Seal Triumph Bugged

I got back into Destiny 2 in May 2023 and started going for the Flawless Seal shortly after I returned. Before that, I had gone flawless only once on Cauldron sometime after Beyond Light's release, but the triumph had reset to 0/6 flawless maps completed. In these couple of months, I went flawless on 4 maps so far: Midtown, Altar of Flame, Endless Vale, and Anamoly (I think that's the correct order as well). I just completed a flawless mercy card on Burnout, went to the lighthouse, got my loot, and I'm still at 4/6 maps completed when I should be at 5/6. I've looked around for solutions on here and Reddit, but couldn't find a fix for it. Please help.



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