I know we haven't unlocked all bounties (quantity wise) from the Ritual Table as many Cards are still to be discovered. However i noticed, that the four bounties i unlocked in the first week are the same every day.
- get precision kills (Accurate Arcanist)
- get meele kills (Sharpen Thyself)
- use a Witch's Key in both seasonal acitivites (Witch's Wealth; Forgotten Fortune)
not only are those very generic and boring bounties, they also require a ludacris amount of Witch's Keys (when doing the bounties on 3 characters). yes, i consider 6 keys a day a lot, as the droprate feels kinda mediocre to me.
Is this a bug or intended to be like this?
I'd guess designed intentionally to keep you playing.
I noticed this week that the bounties you get are obnoxious from vendors, & I know it's intentional because it changed this week as they've added pinnacles to vendors weekly 8 bounties.
An example, I picked up 2 days gambit bounties & they where something like
Void volatile kills
Strand suspend kills
Arc ability kills
Solar scorch kills
Arc ability kills
Stasis frozen target kills
Stasis super kills
Void weakness kills
It's hard enough getting your super before games get to the envoys as mist games last 4 mins so to complete the 8 bounties it's like 6-7 games. It used to be all done in 3 games
PvP was similar
Solar kills
Rumble game
Control whilst holding 2 zones
Void kills
Arc kills
Cap flags in momentum
Nothing works together anymore, or rarely.