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10/15/2023 7:39:02 PM

Strikes Update

i think a lot of people would agree there have been more strikes removed from the game than added. Adding the battlegrounds operations from previous years is a nice edition but they are in a league of their own. With the launch of lightfall we only got one strike added to the DLC. Whilst there are some strikes that have been saved from the purge or rebranding there are many that feel like should be added back into this game. Lets start with one of the greatest strikes in my opinion to ever be brough to the world of Destiny. "The Summoning Pits." whilst this has been tweaked and added as a nightmare hunt this doesn't have the same fear feel that the original strike did. With the moon getting the Crota's end raid reprised it only feels fitting that we have a new strike added in the form of this. Why not also add the Devils Dawn Sniper rifle as this strike / nightfall exclusive weapon. The next strike to be added has to be "The Undying Mind." Season 8 (Season of the undying) missed a massive trick bringing back this boss as the 6 player activity for the season. There were some great weapons that were in season 8 that have now been lost to the mess of sunsetting. why not tie a couple of these weapons to the strike also. The third strike that should defiantly be added to this game again has to be "The Shadow Thief." Whilst destiny 2 has a nightmare hunt version of this strike again it doesn't have the same effect that that the original has. This also would be a great strike to introduce people to Tankis to. This strike should also have the Does Not Bow weapon tied to it. The fourth strike that i feel needs to be added has to be "Blighted Chalice." This was the strike in the April update that brought us taken amour. This would be a great homage and momento to show what happened after we defeated the taken king and before Savathun started to take hold of the taken brood. I know that these are only 4 strike that take place on the moon or in the black garden but it feels as though these should be part of the game.



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