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11/26/2023 2:11:22 PM

Nightmare Hunt: Despair is over tuned/broken in the boss room

I encourage you all to try it and see this for yourselves. It's (supposed to be) a pretty short hunt. The whole hunt is fine, but when you get to Crota the damage scaling is way off. I was running strand titan with BoW, woven mail, resist mods, 100 resilience, guarding with stronghold and still getting 2 shot on Master difficulty by his sword. That is 95%+ Damage resist and I can't even pick up the sword to remove his shield without dying in one shot. The dreambane armour mods only provide total 25% damage reduction from nightmare bosses, so I don't see how I can clear this to get the destination seal. (Not solo btw) I don't know what to compare this to, it's so weird. Randal? :/



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