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11/30/2023 4:36:03 PM

Remove Commendation Score For Guardian Ranks

Comendations suck as requirement for guardian rank. I often go through 4 or 5 strikes and get 0 accomendations from my fireteam even though I play my best game and are ontop of the endgame report. We need a system to punish these selfish bums who dont give accomendafions. Untill then REMOVE THEM FROM GUARDIAN RANKS.



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  • The players I give commendations to have everything to do with whether or not they are standing next to me on the commendation screen. Which commendations I give them is entirely dependant on the order they are placed in my face. I pay zero attention to which commendations and who I give it to. I am just checking a box to level



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  • Your comments are worth the Best Dressed accommodation. Wear it with pride.



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  • 由Hydro Fenrir编辑: 12/5/2023 12:09:39 AM
    I agree that commendations shouldn't be tied to guardian ranks or honestly any rewards tbh. They're supposed to be there so if you wanted to complement your teammates for something, you could. Since they are tied to rewards, some players are locked out of rewards that require receiving commendations because of something they can't control, and those who just want the reward for giving commendations will just give them out randomly, which defeats the purpose of the commendation system. Personally, I don't think it would be right to punish players for not giving commendations. That would further incentivise handing them out randomly, further taking away from the meaning receiving a commendation is supposed to have. Additionally, it would punish players who aren't purposefully being stingy with their commendations. You can't give commendations to players who have already left, so if all of a player's teammates leave before they have the chance to commend them, they'd be unfairly punished. It would also unfairly punish those whose screens won't load fast enough to be able to commend their teammates. Imo, there needs to be no alternative incentives to giving or receiving commendations. People should hand them out bc they want to, not bc they want a reward or need to meet a requirement. There also needs to be more time before the commendation screen goes away bc sometimes there isn't enough time after it finally loads to actually think about who to give what (assuming I have enough time to give any in the first place). Just kinda sucks when I actually want to give commendations and just can't or have to just quickly spam them on the first guys I see, y'know?



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  • Guardian ranks are just another “innovated idea” to give you something to keep doing like a hamster running on a wheel. Requires no work each season to give you another task to work for. I don’t even care about guardian ranks. Dumb to work on it for it to just reset back and do it again.



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  • I just want my extra loadout slots.



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    3 回复
    • 由Super Tony9661编辑: 12/2/2023 6:49:19 PM
      If you didn't get any then you didn't earn it.



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      3 回复
      • Best dressed is the only commendation I need



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        1 回复
        • Just get rid of guardian ranks.. would be a better solution



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          5 回复
          • Whole system was Bungie navel gazing and not adding value for the player base but achieving some self identified virtue. Whichever leader came up with this waste of resources should have been removed. Remove it completely. Complete waste of everyone’s time. Drag on what is otherwise not a bad system to reflect completing higher end PvE content.



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          • "These people didnt give me an Accommodation, they are selfish!" [quote] We need a system to punish these selfish bums who dont give accomendafions.[/quote] That would be abused very quickly..You know what, i like it lets do it. Ill start it off. F### Turd Accommodation: Didnt give me a Accommodation, so they are a F### Turd. This would be the best Accommodation system ever!



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          • I usually just give it to the other warlocks in casual pvp matches



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          • [quote]Comendations suck as requirement for guardian rank. I often go through 4 or 5 strikes and get 0 accomendations from my fireteam even though I play my best game and are ontop of the endgame report. We need a system to punish these selfish bums who dont give accomendafions. Untill then REMOVE THEM FROM GUARDIAN RANKS.[/quote] It is the dumbest thing ever! In PvP the loading rank page appears with 3-2 seconds left! A total Summa Cüm Laude whom ever came up that crap



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          • Remove guardians rank…



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            1 回复
            • See the thing is many of us just don’t give af about either one of them. I could careless what other ppl think about how I play, what I’ve completed or how my character looks. I play to relax, unwind or to kill time, none of those require other ppls approval. Also most of the time when I do decide to give someone a best dressed because they look cool, they’re gone before I can even hit the button.



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            • I’m sorry, what? I rarely ever go a gambit match, strike, or seasonal activity without giving/getting a commendation. Maybe you should take a closer look at how YOU’RE playing.



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              1 回复
              • [quote]We need a system to punish these selfish bums who dont give accomendafions.[/quote] I'm sorry, but why should I be punished for not engaging with a system that I have no interest in using? Outside of the 5 needed for the weekly Hawthorne milestone, both the commendations and the guardian rank systems serve no bearing to my overall experience with the game.



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              • If they had commendations like “Dead weight”- “-blam!-” -or “Expected more from” we might get a few more commendations handed out.



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              • Yes, another game company that decided that players should rank each other during or after an activity. Not a single one I have played has worked out the way the developers envisioned them working. Stupidest idea to hit gaming EVER! Problems: You can't commend players who left before that screen becomes available. Too much of the system is biased toward end game activities, Trials and raids to get the higher scores needed to advance.



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              • Hahahahha i play for 5000 hours and i never give those stupid commendations , the game was amazing and was fine before they added commendations . People played destiny because they like playing destiny , plain and simple . You all act like there is nothing to do in destiny ?? Only guardian rank and commendations that does not mean anything , it does not restrict you from doing anything , i gilded conquerer for the 8th time last season with power level 1810 and guardian rank 6 🤣 Stop crying and play the game ...



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                3 回复
                • Its a stupid system. Expecting players to give out commendations.. Bets if we could give out helpful tips instead we would all hand them out like candy. Try these. Try shooting your gun. More cover, less Leroy Jenkins Spectacular fail Did you pay for your seal?



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                  4 回复
                  • It's kinda hard to motivate giving someone a pat on the back when you go through a coil run with 23 revives and in one go lose 17 due to the blueberry running into the boss and dying multiple times. At the end we had 1 revive token. Mind you, this was round 4 meaning close to the end it happened. And all of his deaths, were easily avoidable by just using cover, instead he ran in and died As for the system? Punishment? You bsing us? So you are gonna punish a new player for not handing out commendations because its not on their mind because of destiny's high level of entry due to a huge amount of menus and systems? Please...go outside



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                  • Just dress pretty you'll get best dressed



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                  • Just get rid of commendations. Guardian ranks can go as well. They just pander to the LOOK 👀 at my eee-pee-pee brigade.



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                    6 回复
                    • I was with you until you wanted to [i]punish [/i]players for refusing to engage in an idiotic system. Imagine getting that invested in a virtual pat on the back.



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                      5 回复
                      • I always try to give out commendations at the end of each match, if I am fast enough before the players rush to orbit. The player that catches my eye the first gets the drip commendation, then I go to the next screen and hand out the rest depending on who carried most, and joy usually goes to the funniest/coolest name. However if a player was a jerk or not carrying their weight such as being afk, I try to remember their name and withhold commendation. Also Trials was bugged last season and the one prior that you couldn't give any commendations at all. Typically at the end of the season I will have given about double what I received, which I feel is about right.



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                      • It's nothing to get worked up about getting a commendation. Not everyone is going to give you one based on their opinion. Maybe there's some self reflection on your part why you're not getting one.



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