Areas not loading, stuck in loading zones, black screen when return to orbit, sound errors, enemy titles wrong
When moving to a new area in the tower, I get stuck in a loading zone that never loads. Sound randomly starts and stops after long gaps. I see players names through the walls moving very 'choppily'. Happens in other areas such as HELM. Quest to talk to Riven in HELM will be active, but nothing happens when approaching Riven. Same thing happens with Mara Sov and Osiris dialogue quest step down spiral staircase in HELM.
When trying to return to orbit in this state, game gets stuck on black screen and you must close the game. When trying to close the game, it takes an absurd amount of time to close it via Steam with stop or task manager. Sometimes the only reliable way to close the game and end the Destiny 2 task is to restart PC.
When in this state menus won't load. Inventory menu opens, but nothing is displayed including player model and gear icons. Settings won't change when in this state. Map tab will open, but nothing will display. Destinations menu shows a black screen. Quests tab opens, but nothing loads.
Activities may load, but sound is broken; certain weapons won't make noise. Fusion rifles don't make charging noise, music stops playing, dialogue stops even though subtitles show. At certain points, all dialogue will play that didn't play before. Less and less sound sources will function as the bug continues, to the point where you hear almost nothing besides XP chime when defeating enemies. Sound sources may sound muffled as if you're underwater.
Enemies may display wrong titles; minotaurs may display goblin instead of minotaur.
This set of bugs makes the game unplayable and quest steps almost impossible to progress. Can't move to different areas in tower. Can't trigger quest events in HELM or other locations. Sound doesn't work. Menus don't load.