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12/23/2023 12:17:10 AM

I require help, with something important

Regarding my playtime in destiny, i've always loved seeing gameplay, however, i've had an issue regarding crossplay, a very difficult issue. My bungie account IS originally My brother's, and he gave It to me, hoping i would enjoy the game, however, a couple of days ago, i've been wanting to change My account (or his)'s name to another, however i have realized that he had gotten the liscensed content under his, however i have been wanting to also play destiny on My own account with the DLCS (He uses Xbox, i use Xbox), all im asking for is a simple answer that can help me understand what i can do.



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  • Hi there.There's a few different things you're talking about, so I'll try to address them separately. If the account your characters were created on is your brother's Xbox account, he can use Xbox's Game Sharing service to share his DLCs with your own account. [url=]See Xbox Support to learn about this service[/url]. However, the characters are tied to that account and there is no way to transfer, merge, or access them from a different Xbox account. You would have to create and play with different characters on your own account. To switch Xbox accounts and continue to use the same Steam account via Cross Save, you would have to disable Cross Save before you could unlink your brother's Xbox account. That will incur a mandatory 90-day cooldown before you can use Cross Save again with your own Xbox account.



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