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由Deathon6编辑: 12/26/2023 3:05:03 PM

Ill-Fortune Cookies Not Showing Up as an Additional Bounty

I always grab the additional bounties from Eva and make the recipe in order to maximize my bright dust earnings. Then I give them to their respective recipients. Even if the quest ask for a specific recipe I still would rather get the bounties and just wait until I get a bounty for that specific recipe then give it to them. I have had a bounty for all the other recipes except Ill- Fortune Cookies and I have grabbed several bounties and have spent several hundred dawning essence and yet Ill-Fortune Cookies has still not popped up as a bounty. Is this some kind of bug that is preventing this specific recipe from being a bounty or did Bungie just forget to include it as a possible roll when acquiring bounties? I find it hard to believe that out of all the other recipes that have shown up several times; that one has yet to show up; unless I’m just getting really unlucky. Has anyone else noticed this or have you actually received Ill-Fortune Cookies as a bounty?



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