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1/7/2024 9:02:37 PM

glaives should be extremely buffed

As in right now, glaives are seeing almost zero gameplay, and there is sadly no surprise. They offer almost zero advantage or real use unlike normal weapons. I have for some time now tried to create a consistent glaive build that synergizes with mods and could be used for mid/late game content, but its almost impossible. almost no mod can be activated with glaives, no siphons, no surges. one two punch doesnt work with it, lot of fragments dont either. I suggest reworking a lot of mods to allow glaives to work with them. there is no reason for surges to not work with glaives, I have also noticed that some mods do activate, but only for projectiles from glaives, which makes no sense. allow siphons and surges to work, add "and glaives or swords" to powered melee mods, even just projectiles doesnt have to activate on melee, allow all melee fragments to work with glaives. Glaives have absolutely amazing potential, yet they are almost unusable and impossible to properly implement.



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