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2/18/2024 6:38:32 AM

PvP updates (YAS nerf)

Towards the PvP Strike Team and Balance Team. I am super happy you guys seem to be doing well on updating PvP, but I have an honest question. How is it balanced to have void titans increase ttk with overshields AND have 1 shot scatter nades with no exotic requirement while YAS got nerfed into the ground for both PvP and PvE? Titans have increased nade gen from OS or devour and their nades 1 shot any resilience with Controlled Demo, YAS didn't even 1 shot 70 resilience and got a slew of nerfs making it essentially cosmetic. Why not only nerf the mine health in PvP and change the audio ping from it to loop for the entire time the tripmine is up instead of it stopping after a while? The only way tripmines could 1 shot is with 2 cooldowns (using explosive knife as well) and using an exotic slot, meanwhile titans get a fat wall that refreshes OS and brings anyone who touches it with a toe down to 1 hp and fast charging 1 shot nades at base. Is it in the works to revert the gain charge on ability hit and damage nerfs, but keep the reduced mine health so it is usable again? Making the audio ping from the mine last the entire life of the mine? Or balancing for PvP separately since you have done it before with other values/exotics like Oathkeepers, Target Lock, and Heal Clip for example? The balance decision doesn't make much sense when considering the power other things have in PvP, particularly titan 1 shot scatter nades or double lightning nades with no exotic requirement. I don't really care about PvP viability even though it would be nice to have, throwing YAS in the dumpster in PvE doesn't make sense and hurts overall choice for what to run in PvE, there are only 2 solar hunter exotic worth using iin endgame PvE right now and adding viable options in the primarily PvE game would be nice. Sincerely, A PvP Warlock main/PvE Hunter Main



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  • Whether or not Titans are OP has little to do with having hunters going into PvP spamming grenades and moving all slow like the other two classes are supposed to. YAS was unbecoming of hunters in PvP. Anything that takes that much health at once shouldn't happen as often as YAS was regardless of aspects or fragments. PvP can't be all about winning for picking things or it doesn't work right in terms of gameplay.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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    • Oh dear another hunter crying about titans. Don't talk about what's fair when titans get nerfed more then any other. Secondly titans grenades don't 1 kill unless it's the pulse grenade and uou just stand in it . Don't talk rubbish.



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